29 November 2011

Survey Results: Has your self-image (as an amputee) changed over time?

Last month I posted a link to this survey -- and received 10 responses from the AEP community. I'm reposting this survey in the hopes that even more amputees will reply. I appreciate your time; if you could spend 60 seconds taking this brief survey, it will provide interesting data for further discussion.
So far, the results are 50/50 in response to the question "Since you became an amputee, how has your self-image changed?" 50% of respondents say "My self-image continues to change" and 50% of respondents say their self-image hasn't changed since they became an amputee.
How about you? If you're an amputee, I'd like to hear from you and share with others the transitions you have experienced -- Do you label yourself "disabled?" -- is "amputee" part of your self-image? I've created a brief survey asking the question "Since you became an amputee, how has your self-image changed?," and invite amputees share their experiences. After completing it, the results to date are provided; I will post final results in January. 
Click here to take the survey. (If you have already taken the survey, you will now be able to re-take it if you like.)

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